During the coaching course I did last year, I realised there were 3 things that were on the top of my list of things that I wanted. The one was to have an art exhibition, the second to move to Sea Point, and the third to travel as much as possible, and only after that the coaching.
So first came travel, we went to Namibia, near Sossousvlei, for a wonderful holiday last year in September, then on to Mpumalanga and Botswana in November and the Cederberg in December. We are leaving this afternoon for a walking safari in the kruger game reserve. I am so looking forward to it. My partner has said he hopes the game rangers have big bazookas and know how to use it. The only shooting I will be doing is with the camera. We are also going to England in August this year and if we can pull it together we will be going to North West America next year for an extended visit.(Seattle and Oregon)
I sold my property and we moved to Sea Point in January. Wow, one forgets what an upheaval a move is especially if you have been staying in a place for a while. Also it was a bit smaller and we can still feel the squeeze, but the walks along the promenade, the smell, sound and sight of the sea, the raucous gulls, picnics on the beach watching the sunset all makes up for it. And to top it all, they have just opened a Woolworths at the corner. What more could a person ask for.
I had my first art exhibition in March, and since then have built my website.
If you feel like having a squizz or sign up for the newsletter here is the link
Click here to view my siteIf you have had a look I would so appreciate your comments, suggestions, questions, feedback, requests. I will then incorporate it into the site. Please also let me know if there is anything in particular that you are struggling with.
Thanks a million.
Have an awesome month!
All the very best
PS. To view my coaching blog
Click herePPS. To view my art blog
Click here.