Friday, August 28, 2009

Kiki Theo's launch of new book Money Well

Hugh and I went to Kiki Theo's book launch at the V&A Waterfront Exclusive Books and was joined by Dorian Haarhoff. Liesl Jobson took the photos for BookSA

See more pics of us and Kiki on Flickr

In her book "Money Well" she speaks about creating wealth by being able to contain money, for if there is no containment, money has nowhere to land, it disappears.

I have only just started reading it, and love the exercises. I have already had some insights into ways that I can open myself up to being more attractive to money, and generating greater wealth and prosperity in my life.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tania Van Schalkwyk's launch of Hyphen in the V&A Aquarium in Cape Town

Tania did a masterful job of organising wine, cheese, poetry, in the Aquarium at the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town on August the 31st 2009. Guests had a great time feasting their eyes and feeding body and soul.
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