Monday, March 21, 2011

Smoke across the water

Kleinmond fires causes grey-out in Kommetjie

Smoke across the water reminds me of some song from long ago, but not quite.  Usually we can see Table mountain and Houtbay, but we could see neither this weekend.  The fires must have been terrible. I can't imagine what it must have been like on the other side of the mountain, Simonstown side, if it was this bad on our side, not to mention Kleinmond and surrounding areas.

On my way home from art on Wednesday there was a fire on Ou-Kaapse weg. Someone must have chucked a stompie, 'cause it started right next to the road. I do wish smokers wouldn't do that.

Thanks a million to the firefighters and other emergency personnel. You guys (male and female) are fantastic!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Whales and Dolphins off Kommetjie

We saw a whole pod of dolphins in a feeding frenzy just off the coast this weekend. At one point three dolphins did somersaults, right out the water, at the same time.  It was spectacular.  They move really fast through the water when they are chasing fish.  Then less than 200 meters to the right of them two whales were bobbing and spouting every now and again.

It was quite strange.  When we started our walk it was so misty we could hardly see the lighthouse, then it cleared and we saw the dolphins.  Every day it is different.  The moods change as you can see on the photos. The mornings and evenings are different and there's always something happening.  If it isn't the dogs getting up to mischief, it is new seasonal flowers, or different birds at different times of the year. We even saw an otter one day.