Monday, May 9, 2011

Art Bookclub at Trudie

Art Bookclub at Trudi's

At first Kitty didn't want to be photographed, was hiding her face all the time. But cats know just where they look best. As you can see, this is a posed shot, draped on the cushions, looking regal and oh so bored with this crazy woman who wants to take her photograph, nonetheless watching me out of the corner of her eye.

The dark mark in the water are the dolphins in their feeding frenzy. We saw some on our way over Chapman's Peak too on the way there. They were a bit closer so we could see them better. These are quitre far out. My dream is to go on a dive with them. When I left school I wanted to study oceanography in Port Elizabeth, but they closed the aquarium at that point, so I landed up at Rand Afrikaans University studying Sociology, Psychology, English and I can't remember what else. Didn't last too long. Dropped out in May. Went on to study through UNISA. Majored in Psychology and Computer Science.

Judy, telling us something.

Thanks a lot. Lovely morning, yummy cakes. 

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