Thursday, May 12, 2011

My s.h.i.t. life

Last night's sunset in mauves, pinks, purples, magenta, and what not.

This morning I went walking along the Kommetjie promenade to get the blood circulating. We have a catwalk and a boardwalk.  The dogs love both.

The day started out beautifully.  Check out the the clarity of the reflection of the boulder in the water and ong shadow I cast.  It is the shadow of a bench next to me. This was just after 8. 

I went for another stroll at 10 to rest the eyes and stretch the legs. The mist was so heavy I couldn't see more than a few yards ahead of me.

I had to get some chocolate croissants with my coffee in this weather. Hugh says it will go to my 'boude' immediately; good for 'boude bou'.  He is a bum man and likes them substantial, so I suppose he won't mind.

After lunch it started clearing up again and by 6 it was clear.

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